Katy Cowan: Centennial: 100 Years of Otis College Alumni at Otis College of Art and Design

Ben Maltz Gallery, Otis College of Art and Design
Los Angeles, CA

September 7 - December 7, 2019


"Celebrating Otis College's one hundreth year, Centennial is a group exhibition of selected works by notable alumni spanning the 1920s to the 2010s. Centennial offers a glimpse into both the range of artist who attended Otis College, as well as work that has come to represent a specific historical moment, focus, and aesthetic engagement. While the exhibition brings together artists working within diverse histories, places, and experiences, each work has a relationship to the present. Centennial is a nod to artistic process, as well as the 100 years of artists' work sharing space in the Ben Maltz Gallery."


Featuring works by Bas Jan Ader, Mary Sue Ader Anderson, Kelly Akashi, Michelle Andrade, John Baldessari (in collaboration with Meg Cranston), Raul Baltazar, Bill Al Bengston, George Chann, Katy Cowan, Kohshin Finley, Kim Fisher, Teresa Flores, Kristen Foster, Gajin Fujita, Kio Griffith, Judithe Hernandez, Dakota Higgins, Noah Humes, Sara Hunsucker, Lorenzo Hurtado Segovia, Dorothy Jeakins, Joseph Mugaini, Sandeep Mukherjee, Alan Nakagwa, Ruben Ochoa, Rick Owens, The Perez Bros, Kour Pour, Ken Price, Pamela Ramos, Steve Roden, Alison Saar, Forouzan Safari, Eduardo Sarabia, Masami Teraoka, Daveion Thompson, Kent Twitchell, Jeffrey Valance, Bruce Yonemoto, Liz Young and Milford Zornes. 

August 9, 2019
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