Katy Cowan at The Armory Show

The Armory Show
New York, NY

For the 2019 Edition of The Armory Show, Philip Martin Gallery presents a solo exhibition of new cast aluminum works and drawings by Katy Cowan. Cowan's work investigates the terms of the art object, the identity of the maker and the site of making itself. Cowan's body, her studio tools and the events in her immediate environment serve as generative subject-matter for her artworks. These artworks investigate human experience and the traces left by such experience. They suggest that ideas and objects are both physical and metaphorical, and that an impression can take forms both indexically literal – like a metal cast – and expressively iconic -- like a drawing. Katy Cowan moves easily between media. Her transitions rely on a larger, systematic way of thinking that emphasizes alteration, repetition, and a conceptual emphasis on material choice. Cowan's work concisely illustrates how artists of her generation are thinking with regard to the art object while at the same time advancing the arguments made by artists in previous eras.

The Armory Show is located:
Piers 92 & 94
711 12th Avenue
New York City, NY 10019

Philip Martin Gallery booth is
in the Focus section on Pier 92

Public Days
Thursday, March 7, 12–8pm
Friday, March 8, 12–8pm
Saturday, March 9, 12–7pm 
Sunday, March 10, 12–6pm 

Philip Martin Gallery hours are Tuesday through Saturday from 11am-6pm and by appointment. For further information and images please contact the gallery at +310-559-0100 or info@philipmartingallery.com.

Philip Martin Gallery
2712 S. La Cienega Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90034

March 7, 2019
of 531