The Guardian | Avatars, karaoke and the circus: exhibition explores the concept of 'game'

The Guardian

Game is the central theme of this year’s Foto/Industria festival in Bologna, Italy. Exhibitions present a varied selection of artists and projects exploring the subject: the relationship between playing and children; the functions of games for adults – from cosplayers to gambling; the spaces of games – from theme parks to virtual ones; and the relationship between games and technological development


GAME is on display in Bologna, Italy, until 26 November


In her work Ericka Beckman combines the grammar and foundational structures of the game and the fairy tale with themes such as politics, society and economics. The video installation Reach Capacity is the result of this mix, in which the real estate market takes on the guise of a game, with a nod to Monopoly. Beckman converts Lower Manhattan into a gigantic board on which a series of pawns/players move.

November 3, 2023
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